YouTube Planning: How to Plan a YouTube Video

YouTube is the main platform for content creators, educators, entertainers, and businesses alike. With its vast audience reach, it's no wonder that many are turning to YouTube to share their message. But with this surge in content creation comes fierce competition. To stand out, it's not just about producing videos; it's about strategic YouTube planning.

Why YouTube Planning is Crucial

Imagine crafting a visually stunning video, pouring hours into editing, only to find that it doesn't resonate with your audience. That's the risk you run without proper YouTube planning. Planning your content ensures that your videos not only look good but also connect with viewers, leading to higher engagement and more subscribers.

  • The Quality Impact: A well-planned video is like a well-cooked meal. Every ingredient, or in this case, every shot, soundbite, and graphic, has a purpose. This attention to detail results in higher video quality, making viewers more likely to watch till the end and engage with your content.

  • Viewer Engagement: When you plan, you tailor your content to your audience's preferences and needs. This alignment means viewers are more likely to comment, like, share, and subscribe. After all, who doesn't appreciate content that feels tailor-made for them?

  • By the Numbers: Did you know that videos backed by thorough planning and research have a 60% higher engagement rate than those that aren't? Or that channels that consistently plan their content see a 50% faster growth in subscribers? These statistics highlight the undeniable importance of YouTube planning in today's competitive landscape.

Going into YouTube without a plan is like setting sail without a map. You might enjoy the journey, but you'll likely end up lost. 

As we dive deeper into planning YouTube videos, keep in mind that every minute spent planning can save hours of potential rework and lead to a more successful YouTube journey.

YouTube Subscribe Animations

Like and Subscribe Animations for YouTube Videos

  • 18 YouTube Subscribe Animation Assets

  • Transparent Backgrounds (Quicktime .mov files)

  • Like, Subscribe and Enable Notifications

  • 4K Resolution

The Foundations of Effective YouTube Planning

It's essential to lay a solid foundation. This foundation revolves around two pivotal aspects: understanding your audience and setting clear objectives. Let's delve into these foundational elements.

Understanding Your Audience

Every successful YouTube creator knows this golden rule: create content for your audience, not for yourself. But how do you know what your audience wants? That's where research comes into play.

Why Audience Understanding is Key
Imagine crafting a video that you love, but it doesn't resonate with your viewers. That's the risk you run without understanding your audience. By knowing who you're creating content for, you can tailor your videos to their preferences, ensuring higher engagement and satisfaction.

Researching Your Target Audience
There are several tools and techniques to help you get a pulse on your audience:

  • YouTube Analytics: This built-in tool provides insights into your viewers' demographics, interests, and behaviors.

  • Surveys and Polls: Directly ask your subscribers what they want to see. Platforms like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey can be instrumental.

  • Competitor Analysis: Look at channels similar to yours. What are they doing right? What topics are getting the most engagement? This can give you a direction for your content.

Setting Clear Objectives

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, the next step is to define what you want to achieve with your videos. Without a clear objective, you're essentially sailing without a compass.

  • Purpose of Your Video: Are you looking to educate, entertain, inspire, or perhaps a mix of these? Defining the purpose will guide your content creation process, ensuring that every element of your video aligns with this goal.

  • Setting Measurable Goals: It's not enough to say, "I want more views." Instead, set specific, measurable goals. For instance, "I aim to increase my video views by 20% in the next three months" or "I want to achieve a 10% higher engagement rate on my next video." By setting clear benchmarks, you can measure your success and adjust your YouTube planning strategy accordingly.

With a clear understanding of your audience and defined objectives, you're well on your way to creating content that not only resonates with viewers but also achieves your desired outcomes. 

Steps to Create a YouTube Plan

Crafting a successful YouTube video requires a strategic approach. Let's dive into the essential steps to ensure your YouTube planning is on point.

1. Brainstorming and Topic Selection

Before you even turn on your camera, you need to know what you're going to talk about. This step is crucial as the topic you choose can make or break your video's success.

Techniques for Generating Video Ideas:

  • Mind Mapping: Start with a broad topic and branch out into subtopics, allowing you to explore various angles.

  • Audience Feedback: Listen to your viewers. Their comments and questions can be a goldmine for youtube video ideas.

  • Trending Topics: Stay updated with current events or trends in your niche. Platforms like Google Trends can be handy.

Research Tools for Topic Selection:

  • Google Keyword Planner: This tool can provide insights into what people are searching for, helping you align your content with demand.

  • TubeBuddy: A YouTube-certified tool that offers keyword research, tag suggestions, and more, ensuring your topic has potential for high viewership.

Read More: 10 YouTube Video Ideas To Grow & Boost Your YouTube Channel

2. Crafting Compelling Titles and Descriptions

Your title is the first thing viewers see. A compelling title can be the difference between someone clicking on your video or scrolling past it.

  • SEO-Optimized Titles and Descriptions: Incorporate keywords naturally, ensuring your video is discoverable to a wider audience.

  • Attention-Grabbing Titles: Pose a question, use power words, or create a sense of urgency to entice viewers to click.

3. Structuring Your Video Content

The structure of your video plays a pivotal role in retaining viewer attention and ensuring your message is effectively conveyed.

The HICC Formula:

  • Hook: Grab your viewer's attention in the first few seconds.

  • Intro: Briefly introduce the topic and what viewers can expect.

  • Content: Deliver the main content, ensuring it's engaging and valuable.

  • Call to Action: Encourage viewers to like, subscribe, comment, or take any other desired action.

The Golden First 15 Seconds: Most viewers decide within the first 15 seconds whether they'll continue watching. Make them count!

4. Logistics and Production Planning

Behind every great YouTube video is a well-thought-out production plan.

  • Location Scouting: Choose locations that align with your video's theme and are free from distractions.

  • Optimal Lighting and Sound: Ensure your video is well-lit and the audio is clear. Investing in good lighting and a quality microphone can make a world of difference.

  • Production Calendar: Plan your shooting schedule, keeping in mind any external factors like weather or public holidays.

5. Branding and Identity in Your Videos

Your videos should reflect your brand's identity, creating a consistent experience for viewers.

  • Visual Branding: Incorporate brand colors, logos, and any other visual elements that represent your brand.

  • Crafting a Memorable Outro: End your videos with a consistent outro that includes a call to action, reminding viewers to subscribe or check out other videos.

With these steps in place, your plan for creating YouTube videos will be a well-oiled machine, setting you up for success in the competitive world of YouTube content creation. 

Equipment and Tools for YouTube Planning

While strategy and content are at the heart of YouTube planning, the tools and equipment you use can significantly impact the final product. Let's explore the essential gear and resources that can elevate your YouTube content.

Essential Equipment for Quality Production

The right equipment can transform your videos from amateur to professional, ensuring your content stands out in a sea of YouTube videos.

While smartphones today come with impressive cameras, investing in a dedicated DSLR or mirrorless camera can offer better quality and more flexibility. Brands like Canon, Sony, and Nikon have popular models tailored for video content.

Read More: Best Camera For YouTube Videos

Clear audio is just as important as crisp visuals. Consider lapel mics for interviews, shotgun mics for on-the-go recording, or condenser mics for voiceovers. Brands like Rode, Audio-Technica, and Blue Yeti are industry favorites.

Good lighting can make a world of difference. Softbox lights or ring lights can provide even lighting, eliminating harsh shadows. For those on a budget, natural light can also be a great option when used correctly.

Read More: Lighting For YouTube Videos: Best Tools & Techniques

Editing Software:
Once you've shot your video, editing software helps piece it together. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve are top choices for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Read More: Best Video Editing Software For YouTube

Utilizing YouTube Planning Templates

Planning your YouTube content doesn't have to start from scratch. Templates can provide a structured approach, ensuring you don't miss any crucial steps.

Free Download: Video Plan To Video Perfect - Free Video Planning Template

YouTube Planning Templates:
These are pre-designed frameworks that guide content creators through the planning process. From brainstorming topics to scheduling uploads, these templates cover various aspects of YouTube planning.

Benefits of Using Templates:

  • Efficiency: Instead of starting from zero, templates give you a head start, streamlining the planning process.

  • Consistency: Using a template ensures that you maintain a consistent approach for every video, enhancing your brand's identity on YouTube.

  • Comprehensiveness: With sections for every aspect of planning, templates ensure you don't overlook any critical details.

Using a YouTube Planning Template Effectively:

  • Customize: While templates provide a structure, customize them to fit your specific needs and workflow.

  • Review Regularly: As you progress in your YouTube journey, revisit and update your template to reflect any changes or new insights.

  • Integrate with Other Tools: Combine your template with tools like Google Calendar or Trello for scheduling and task management, ensuring you stay on track.

With the right equipment and tools in hand, your plan for YouTube becomes a more manageable and efficient process. Remember, while gear can enhance your content, it's the story and value you provide that truly resonates with viewers. So, invest in equipment, but also continue honing your content creation skills.

Read More: Best YouTube Equipment For Starting A YouTube Channel

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The digital landscape, especially platforms like YouTube, is ever-evolving. Staying updated and being adaptable is key to sustained success.

Staying Updated with YouTube's Algorithm Changes:
YouTube frequently updates its algorithm, affecting video rankings and visibility. Join YouTube creator forums, subscribe to official YouTube channels, and stay informed about these changes.

Adapting Your Strategy Based on Analytics and Feedback:

  • Review Analytics: YouTube provides detailed analytics about video performance. Regularly review these to understand what's working and what's not.

  • Listen to Your Audience: Viewer feedback, comments, and suggestions can offer valuable insights. Be open to adapting your content based on this feedback.

Tutorial: How to Plan a YouTube Video

In this tutorial, Becki and Chris share their pre-production process of how they plan all their YouTube videos along with the importance of planning.


Effective planning can be the difference between a video that gets lost in the shuffle and one that shines brightly. Whether you're a seasoned YouTuber or just starting, remember that every minute spent planning amplifies your chances of success.

Take the knowledge you've gained and dive into planning your next masterpiece. And hey, we'd love to hear about your journey and any tips you might have picked up along the way. Drop a comment below, share your experiences, and let's grow together in the vibrant world of YouTube!

Additional Resources

Helpful YouTube Articles

YouTube Video Assets


Jeremy SampsonComment