YouTube Titles: How to Title YouTube Videos The Right Way

The importance of YouTube titles in video performance cannot be overstated. Much like a book's title, it's the first thing viewers see, and it plays a pivotal role in their decision to click and watch. 

This article is a deep dive into crafting the perfect title, ensuring your videos not only reach the right audience but also make a lasting impression.

The Science Behind YouTube Titles

Every time you type a query into YouTube's search bar, a sophisticated algorithm works behind the scenes, sifting through billions of videos to present you with the most relevant results. But how does YouTube's algorithm view titles?

Titles are a reflection of the content within. When you're learning how to make a youtube video, one of the first things you'll realize is the significance of a well-optimized title. 

The algorithm considers the keywords used, their placement, and their relevance to the video content. It's about ensuring that the title genuinely represents the video's essence.

YouTube Subscribe Animations

Like and Subscribe Animations for YouTube Videos

  • 18 YouTube Subscribe Animation Assets

  • Transparent Backgrounds (Quicktime .mov files)

  • Like, Subscribe and Enable Notifications

  • 4K Resolution

Why YouTube Titles Matter

  • Impact on Click-Through-Rate (CTR): Imagine scrolling through YouTube and coming across a video with a vague or uninteresting title. Chances are, you'll skip right past it. A compelling title, on the other hand, can significantly boost your video's CTR. It's the difference between a viewer choosing your video over countless others.

  • Role in Video SEO and Discoverability: SEO isn't just for websites. With the right youtube titles, your videos can rank higher in search results, making them more discoverable to a broader audience. Integrating related keywords like "how to title youtube videos" or "best titles for youtube videos" can enhance your video's visibility, ensuring it reaches viewers actively searching for such content.

  • First Impression for Potential Viewers: First impressions matter, and on YouTube, your video's title is often the first thing viewers see. A well-crafted title not only piques curiosity but also sets the tone for the video. It's your opportunity to make a statement, to promise value, and to entice viewers to embark on a journey with your content.

Best Practices for YouTube Titles

Crafting the perfect YouTube title requires a blend of creativity, understanding of your audience, and knowledge of YouTube's algorithm. Here are some best practices to guide you.

Keyword Inclusion

One of the foundational aspects of a compelling YouTube title is the inclusion of relevant keywords. Not only do these keywords help your video rank higher in search results, but they also ensure that your content reaches the right audience. For instance, when brainstorming youtube video ideas, consider the main topics or themes of your video and ensure those are reflected in your title.

Example: If you're creating a tutorial on beginner-friendly photography techniques, a title like "Beginner's Guide to Photography: Top 5 Tips" would be both keyword-rich and descriptive.

Optimizing for CTR

Your title's primary goal is to get viewers to click on your video. Here are some proven strategies to enhance your title's click-through rate:

  • Add Numbers: Titles like "10 Ways to Improve Your Photography Skills" can be more enticing than generic ones.

  • Use Attention-Grabbing Words: Words like "Unbelievable", "Secrets", or "Hacks" can pique curiosity.

  • Evoke Emotion: Titles that resonate emotionally, such as "Photography Mistakes I Wish I Knew Earlier", can drive higher engagement.

Avoiding Clickbait

While it might be tempting to use sensationalized titles to get more clicks, it's essential to avoid misleading or clickbait titles. Not only can they harm your video's performance, but they can also erode trust with your audience. YouTube's algorithm is increasingly sophisticated and can penalize videos with high bounce rates, often a consequence of clickbait titles.

Character Limit Considerations

YouTube titles have a character limit, so it's crucial to be concise while ensuring your title is descriptive. While the exact number can vary, it's generally recommended to keep titles under 70 characters to ensure they display correctly across devices. When considering how long should youtube titles be, it's a balance between clarity, keyword inclusion, and brevity.

Special Considerations for Shorts

With YouTube Shorts, creators have a new format to explore. When titling shorts, it's essential to convey the video's essence quickly. Given the short duration of these videos, titles should be even more concise and direct. 

If you're wondering how to title youtube shorts, consider leading with the main theme or action, such as "Quick Photography Hack: Perfect Portraits".

Tools and Techniques for Perfecting Your Title

There are several tools and techniques available to aid creators in this journey. Here's a closer look at some of the most effective strategies.

Using Headline Analyzers for Feedback

Headline analyzers are tools that provide instant feedback on your proposed titles. They evaluate titles based on various factors, including emotional resonance, keyword inclusion, and overall structure. 

By inputting your potential title, these tools can offer suggestions for improvement, ensuring your title is both compelling and SEO-friendly. While many headline analyzers are designed for blog posts, their principles are equally applicable to youtube titles.

Reoptimizing Old Videos for Better Performance

As you learn more about your audience and the intricacies of YouTube's algorithm, you might find opportunities to improve the titles of your older videos. Revisiting and reoptimizing these titles can lead to a significant boost in views and engagement. 

For instance, if you initially titled a video "Photography Tips for Beginners" and it didn't perform as expected, you might consider refining it to "Top 5 Photography Hacks Every Beginner Should Know" to make it more enticing.

Importance of Coherence Between Title and Thumbnail

Your video's title and thumbnail are a dynamic duo, working in tandem to attract viewers. A mismatch between the two can confuse potential viewers and reduce click-through rates. 

For example, if your title promises a tutorial on nighttime photography, but your thumbnail shows a beach at midday, viewers might feel misled. Learning how to make a youtube thumbnail that complements your title is crucial. 

A coherent and cohesive pairing can significantly enhance your video's appeal, encouraging more viewers to click and watch.

Practical Tips and Examples

Crafting the perfect YouTube title is as much about understanding best practices as it is about observing and learning from successful examples. 

Examples of Good Titles for YouTube Videos

  • Tutorial Video: "Master the Basics: DSLR Photography for Absolute Beginners"

  • Vlog: "A Day in My Life as a Full-Time Photographer | Behind the Scenes!"

  • Review: “Canon EOS R5 Review: Is It Worth the Hype? | Hands-On Experience"

  • Challenge: “7-Day Photography Challenge: Capturing the Essence of New York City"

These titles are descriptive, incorporate relevant keywords, and set clear expectations for the viewer.

How to Title YouTube Videos to Get More Views

  • Understand Your Audience: Tailor your titles to resonate with your target demographic. For instance, if your audience comprises budding photographers, titles that offer beginner-friendly tips might be more appealing.

  • Stay Updated with Trends: Platforms like Google Trends or YouTube's trending section can offer insights into popular topics. Crafting titles around trending subjects can boost visibility.

  • Ask a Question: Titles framed as questions can pique curiosity. For example, "How Do Professional Photographers Edit Their Photos?"

The Role of Video Styles in Influencing Title Choice

Different types of videos cater to various audiences and purposes. A documentary-style video might require a more formal title, while a casual vlog could benefit from a relaxed, conversational title. Understanding the style and tone of your video is crucial in crafting a title that aligns with its content.

Additional Elements to Enhance Video Performance

Beyond the title, several other elements play a pivotal role in a video's performance. Let's explore some additional components that can elevate your video's appeal and engagement.

Importance of Captions for Accessibility

Adding captions to your videos is not just about catering to a global audience; it's also about inclusivity. Captions ensure that viewers with hearing impairments can enjoy your content. 

Moreover, many viewers prefer watching videos with captions, especially in noise-sensitive environments. Learn more about how to add captions to video to enhance accessibility.

Enhancing Viewer Experience with YouTube Features

  • YouTube End Screen: A dynamic way to guide viewers to more of your content or encourage them to subscribe.

  • YouTube Cards: Interactive elements that can be added to your videos, directing viewers to related content or external links.

  • Chapters: By learning how to add chapters to youtube video, you can segment your content, allowing viewers to navigate to specific sections easily.

Optimizing Your YouTube Channel for Success

Your video's performance is intrinsically linked to the overall health of your channel. By taking steps to optimize your youtube channel, you ensure that viewers have a seamless experience, from watching a single video to exploring your entire content library.

Tutorial: How to Write Perfect YouTube Titles

In this tutorial video from Think Media, Nolan provides steps to help you create great YouTube titles to increase clicks and grow your YouTube Channel.


As we've explored throughout this article, YouTube titles are the gateway to your content, the first impression you make on potential viewers, and a significant factor in your video's SEO and discoverability.

It's a reflection of your content, your brand, and your unique voice. Experiment, iterate, and find what resonates most with your audience. 

As you continue your YouTube journey, we invite you to dive deeper into how to promote youtube videos and discover the best time to post on youtube to maximize engagement and reach. With the right strategies and a keen understanding of your audience, the sky's the limit for your YouTube success.

Additional Resources

For those eager to further enhance their YouTube prowess, here are some invaluable resources to guide you:

Helpful YouTube Articles

YouTube Video Assets


Jeremy SampsonComment